Accepted Papers

You will find below the list of 85 accepted papers. Note that some papers were accepted in 2020 and others were accepted in 2021 after the 2nd call for papers.


Paper title   Authors
Heuristics for Scheduling Pipe-laying Support Vessels: An Identical Parallel Machine Scheduling Approach   Victor Abu-Marrul, Davi Mecler, Rafael Martinelli, Silvio Hamacher, Irina Gribkovskaia
Duplication and sequencing of unreliable jobs   Alessandro Agnetis, Paolo Detti, Ben Hermans, Marco Pranzo
A Discrete Time Markov Decision Process to support the scheduling of re-manufacturing activities   Alessio Angius, Massimo Manzini, Marcello Urgo
A constraint programming approach for planning items transportation in a workshop context   Valentin Antuori, Emmanuel Hebrard,  Marie-José Huguet, Siham Essodaigui, Alain Nguyen 
Index merge in application to multi-skill project scheduling   Dmitry Arkhipov,  Olga Battaia
Structural and Experimental Comparisons of Formulations for a Multi-Skill Project Scheduling Problem with Partial Preemption   Christian Artigues, Pierre Lopez, Oliver Polo Mejía 
Adapting the RCPSP framework to Evacuation Problems   Christian Artigues, Emmanuel Hébrard, Alain Quilliot, Peter Stuckey, Hélène Toussaint
A Serial Schedule Generation Scheme for Project Scheduling in Disaster Management   Niels-Fabian Baur, Julia Rieck
Scheduling to minimize maximum lateness in tree data gathering networks   Joanna Berlińska
On the Activity Criticality in Project Scheduling with Generalized Precedence Relationships   Lucio Bianco, Massimiliano Caramia, Stefano Giordani
A Novel Matheuristic for the Multi-Site Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem   Tamara Bigler, Mario Gnägi, Norbert Trautmann
Solution Repair by Inequality Network Propagation in LocalSolver   Léa Blaise, Christian Artigues, Thierry Benoist
The generalised resource-constrained project scheduling problem with flexible resource profiles   Matthew Bold, Burak Boyaci, Marc Goerigk, Chris Kirkbride
Why and how to evaluate the task threatness   Helena Brozova, Tomas Subrt, Jan Rydval, Petra Pavlickova
Local Search Algorithm to Solve a Scheduling Problem in Healthcare Training Center   Simon Caillard, Laure Brisoux Devendeville, Corinne Lucet
Computing lower bounds for the cumulative scheduling problem   Jacques Carlier, Antoine Jouglet, Abderrahim Sahli
Ultimate Instance Reduction for the Routing Open Shop   Ilya Chernykh
Optima Localization for the Routing Open Shop: Computer-aided Proof   Ilya Chernykh, Olga Krivonogova
A new tool for analysing and reporting solutions for the RCPSP and MMRCPSP   José Coelho, Mario Vanhoucke, Ricardo Amaro
Adaptive Robust Parallel Machine Scheduling   Izack Cohen, Krzysztof Postek, Shimrit Shtern 
The Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem: New Benchmark Results   Stefan Creemers
Scheduling and Routing Workers Teams for Ground Handling at Airports with Column Generation   Giacomo Dall'Olio, Rainer Kolisch
Robust scheduling for target tracking with wireless sensor network considering spatial uncertainty   Florian Delavernhe, André Rossi, Marc Sevaux
Exact solution of the two-machine flow shop problem with 3 operations   Federico Della Croce, Fabio Salassa, Vincent T'kindt
Adversarial bilevel scheduling on a single machine   Federico Della Croce, Vincent T'kindt
A Conjunctive-disjunctive Graph Modeling Approach for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with Changing Modes   Xavier Delorme, Gérard Fleury, Philippe Lacomme, Damien Lamy
Near-Linear Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Problems with Setup Times   Max Deppert, Klaus Jansen
Efficiency and Equity in the Multiple Organization Scheduling Problem   Martin Durand, Fanny Pascual
On the complexity of the crossdock truck-scheduling problem   Quentin Fabry, Alessandro Agnetis, Lotte Berghman, Cyril Briand
Linear inequalities for neighborhood based dominance properties for the common due-date scheduling problem   Anne-Elisabeth Falq, Pierre Fouilhoux, Safia Kedad-Sidhoum
An acceleration procedure for several objective functions in the permutation flow shop scheduling problem   Victor Fernandez-Viagas, José M. Molina-Pariente, Carla Talens, José M. Framiñan
Scheduling problems with processing time dependent profit: applications and a nice polynomial case   Florian Fontan, Nadia Brauner, Pierre Lemaire
Planning problem in Healthcare domain   Olivier Gérard, Laure Brisoux Devendeville, Corinne Lucet
Solving the Multi-mode Resource Investment Problem with Constraint Programming   Patrick Gerhards
Multi-Scenario Scheduling with Rejection Option to Minimize the Makespan Criterion   Miri Gilenson, Dvir Shabtay
A Continuous-Time Model for the Multi-Site Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem   Mario Gnägi, Norbert Trautmann
Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for a bi-objective flexible flow shop problem. A Case Study.   Ibeth Grattz Rodríguez, Jose-Fernando Jimenez, Eliana María González-Neira, Nicolás Eduardo Puerto Ordóñez, Yenny Alexandra Paredes Astudillo, Juan Pablo Caballero-Villalobos
An analytical model for budget allocation in risk prevention and risk protection   Xin Guan, Mario Vanhoucke
Embedded vision systems buffer minimization with energy consumption constraint   khadija Hadj salem, Tifenn Rault, Alexis Robbes
Multi-project scheduling problems with shared multi-skill resource constraints   Meya Haroune, Cheikh Dhib, Emmanuel Néron, Ameur Soukhal, Hafedh Mohamed Babou, Mohamedade Nanne
Solving large, long-horizon resource constrained multi project scheduling problems with genetic algorithms   Brendan Hill, Adam Scholz, Lachlan Brown, Ana Novak
A mixed integer programming approach for scheduling aircraft arrivals at terminal airspace fixes and runway threshold   Sana Ikli, Catherine Mancel, Marcel Mongeau, Xavier Olive, Emmanuel Racheslon
Optimization of order for containers placement schedule in rail terminal operations   Nadiia Kalaida, Rémy Dupas, Igor Grebennik
A Generation Scheme for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Partially Renewable Resources and Time Windows   Mareike Karnebogen, Jürgen Zimmermann
On a Polynomial Solvability of the Routing Open Shop with a Variable Depot   Antonina Khramova, Ilya Chernykh
A Stochastic Programming Model to Schedule Projects under Cash Flow Uncertainty   Berfin Kutlag, Nazli Kalkan, Serhat Gul, Oncu Hazir
Multi-Objective Robotic Assembly Line Balancing Problem: A NSGA-II Approach Using Multi-Objective Shortest Path Decoders   Youssef Lahrichi, Laurent Deroussi, Nathalie Grangeon, Sylvie Norre
The Group Shop Scheduling Problem with power requirements   Damien Lamy, Simon Thevenin
A two-stage robust approach for minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs with profit uncertainty   Henri Lefebvre, François Clautiaux, Boris Detienne
Scheduling of battery charging tasks with limited common power source   Tomasz Lemanski, Rafal Rozycki, Grzegorz Waligora, Jan Weglarz
Computational Experiments for the Heuristic Solutions of the Two-Stage Chain Reentrant Hybrid Flow Shop and Model Extensions   Lowell Lorenzo
Minimizing Flow Time on a Single Machine with Job Families and Setup Times   Arnaud Malapert, Margaux Nattaf
Using exponential smoothing to integrate the impact of corrective actions on project time forecasting   Annelies Martens, Mario Vanhoucke
An Experimental Investigation on the Performance of Priority Rules for the Dynamic Stochastic Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem   Philipp Melchiors, Rainer Kolisch, John Jack Kanet
Conditional Value-at-Risk of the Completion Time in Fuzzy Activity Networks   Carlo Meloni, Marco Pranzo, Marcella Samà
A column generation algorithm for the single machine parallel batch scheduling problem   Onur Ozturk
Mixed-Integer Programming Formulations for the Anchor-Robust Project Scheduling Problem   Adèle Pass-Lanneau, Pascale Bendotti, Philippe Chrétienne, Pierre Fouilhoux
Search space reduction in MILP approaches for the robust balancing of transfer lines   Aleksandr Pirogov, André Rossi, Evgeny Gurevsky, Alexandre Dolgui
An Inclusion-Exclusion based algorithm for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem   Olivier Ploton, Vincent T’kindt
Decision trees for robust scheduling   Tom Portoleau, Christian Artigues, Romain Guillaume 
A Benders decomposition for the flexible cyclic jobshop problem   Félix Quinton, Idir Hamaz, Laurent Houssin
Exact and heuristic methods for characterizing optimal solutions for the 1||Lmax   Tifenn Rault, Ronan Bocquillon, Jean-Charles Billaut
A Comparison of two MILP formulations for the resource renting problem   Max Reinke, Jürgen Zimmermann
Minimizing the costs induced by perishable resource waste in a chemotherapy production unit   Alexis Robbes, Yannick Kergosien,  Virginie André, Jean-Charles Billaut
A comparison of proactive and reactive scheduling approaches for the RCPSP with uncertain activity durations   Pedram Saeedi, Erik Demeulemeester
Towards the Optimisation of the Dynamic and Stochastic Resource-Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem   Ugur Satic, Peter Jacko, Christopher Kirkbride
An FPTAS for Scheduling with Piecewise-Linear Nonmonotonic Convex Time-Dependent Processing Times and Job-Specific Agreeable Slopes   Helmut A. Sedding
An analysis of critical alternatives in the RCPSP-AS   Tom Servranckx, Mario Vanhoucke
Reference Class Forecasting to improve time and cost forecasts: Empirical and statistical analysis   Tom Servranckx, Mario Vanhoucke, Tarik Aouam
Buffer Sizing in Critical Chain Project Management with Network Decomposition   Bingling She, Bo Chen, Nicholas Hall
A new solution procedure for multi-skilled resources in resource-constrained project scheduling   Jakob Snauwaert, Mario Vanhoucke
The impact of limited budget on the corrective action taking process   Jie Song, Annelies Martens, Mario Vanhoucke
A New Lower Bound Approach for the Multi-mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem   Christian Stürck
How to find Critical Mass of Task Threatening the Projects   Tomas Subrt, Helena Brozova
Solving the stochastic multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem   Claudio Szwarcfiter, Avraham Shtub, Yale T. Herer
Maximizing value and Minimizing Waste: Modeling and solving lean project management   Claudio Szwarcfiter, Avraham Shtub, Yale T. Herer
Generating instances for the two-stage multi-machine assembly scheduling problem   Carla Talens, Victor Fernandez-Viagas, Paz Perez-Gonzalez
Metric Estimations for a Resource Leveling Problem With Variable Job Duration   Ilia Tarasov, Alain Haït, Olga Battaïa, Alexander Lazarev
Open shop problem with agreement graph: new results   Nour Elhouda Tellache, Mourad Boudhar, Farouk Yalaoui 
Scheduling loads injection during flows merging in a collector   Blandine Vacher, Antoine Jouglet, Dritan Nace, Stéphane Pietrowicz, Marwane Bouznif
New benchmark datasets for the RCMPSP   Rob Van Eynde, Mario Vanhoucke
Minimizing Delays in Aircraft-Landing Scheduling   Marie-Sklaerder Vié, Nicolas Zufferey, Roel Leus
Evaluation of Scheduling Policies for the SRCPSP in a Dynamic Multi-Project Environment   Hendrik Weber, Rainer Kolisch
Modular equipment optimization in the design of multi-product reconfigurable manufacturing systems   Abdelkrim Yelles-Chaouche, Evgeny Gurevsky, Nadjib Brahimi, Alexandre Dolgui
Decomposition approach for fixed jobs multi-agent scheduling problem on parallel machines with renewable resources   Boukhalfa Zahout, Ameur Soukhal, Patrick Martineau
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